Recordings Autmun Semester 2020
Aesthetic and Scientific Epistemologies of the Occult in the XIX Century
(Online Lecture Series)

This lecture series will explore scientific and aesthetic approaches to nineteenth-century occultism. Many canonical artistic pioneers and lesser known artists of this era found creative inspiration in the occult. Aesthetic innovators such as Kazimir Malevich (1879-1935), Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944), and Swedish occultist-artists, Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) and Tyra Kleen (1874-1951) were influenced by Theosophy. French visionary author, Joséphin Péladan (1858-1918) believed that art imbued with occult symbolism could initiate a spiritual revolution. Austrian artist, Gabriel von Max (1840-1915) expressed his fascination with the transcendent through paintings of clairvoyant seers and spirit mediums. Scientific practices provided equally fertile grounds for investigating unseen worlds bordering on the occult. Between 1880 and 1920, physicists investigated “spooky” action at a distance, as modern physics overlapped with parapsychology. German astrophysicist, Karl Friedrich Zöllner (1834-1882) took advances in non-Euclidean geometry and knot-theory as a starting point to argue for the existence of a fourth-dimensional higher state of being. Epistemological claims to occultism thus participate richly in modernity’s aesthetic and scientific transformations. Join us in conversation with Per Faxneld, Sasha Chaitow, Mark Blacklock and Richard Noakes as we consider nineteenth-century representations of the ineffable.
"'Mirages and visions in the air': Tyra Kleen and the paradoxes of esoteric art"
Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Speaker: Dr. Per Faxneld, external page Södertörn University
Recording of the lecture
"Esoteric art and literature as vehicles for change: Joséphin Péladan’s vision for a spiritual revolution"
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Speaker: Dr. Sasha Chaitow, external page University of Essex
"'Spooky' action at a distance: creative engagements of physics and psychics, 1880-1920"
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Richard Noakes, external page University of Exeter
"Mediating the unseen: thinking and imagining with knots and cubes"
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Speaker: Dr. Mark Blacklock, external page Birkbeck – University of London