The Future of Poetry.
History of the Literary Oracle 1450-2050

Philipp Theisohn

In a world that has lost its certainty of salvation history, the future must be made to speak again in other ways. The choice of the modern age falls on two drawing arts: the ars mantica and the ars poetica. Both disciplines learn from each other, interpenetrate and fight each other - and nevertheless remain inseparable in their historical development. This study aims to make this hidden history of mantopoetics visible again. From the lot books and calendar poetics to mediumism and futurology; from Cusanus to Leibniz, Herder, Comte and Nietzsche to Herman Kahn; from Nostradamus, Rabelais and Grimmelshausen to Schiller, Kleist, Wells and Stifter to Mallarmé and Pynchon, The Coming Poetry traces the prophetic speech of the future from its beginnings to our present day - and beyond.
The monograph is external page published by Fink Verlag.

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